It is through your support and donations that ENC Ambucs is able to continue to provide AmTrykes for kids with special needs. You may choose any donation level. Thank you for your support!
You can make an instant online donation by clicking the "Donate" link below. Paypal makes it easy to make donations at any sponsorship level.
You can make an instant online donation by clicking the "Donate" link below. Paypal makes it easy to make donations at any sponsorship level.
We all remember what it was like to ride a bike for the first time: the feeling of independence, the feeling of accomplishment, and the feeling of just being a kid. It is these feelings that ENC Ambucs members create through the AmTryke® therapeutic tricycle Project.
For years, the AmTryke has benefited and delighted children with disabilities. It gives children the opportunity to ride a bicycle with their siblings and friends. This unique tricycle is hand and/or foot powered. It improves motor coordination, increases self-esteem and is fun to ride! Physical and occupational therapists acknowledge the AmTryke tricycle's therapeutic benefits to patients, citing improved motor skills and strength development. In fact, a therapist even inspired the AmTryke.
The best part is that ENC Ambucs provides these AmTrykes for FREE!!
When a parent or guardian requests an AmTryke for a child and are unable to cover the costs, ENC AMBUCS places the child on the ENC AmTryke Wish List.